Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

OMG the $950 Million Dollar Cash for Clunkers Federal Govt deal has been suspended after only 4 days. The govt. thinks they have already reached the limit and the auto dealers have warned the goverment that "they are in danger of losing track of how many trades have actually been made."
Now how do I translate that statement. It means one of two things to me.

A. The people we have working for us (auto dealers) can't add two plus two.
B. And this is my pick - We have been trying to rip off the program and we just can't figure out how to report the numbers so we don't get caught.

Good news is that the govt has already rejected a boatload of claims due to incomplete or illegible paperwork. Translation: trying to get one over on us huh?
Question - why didnt this program make it mandatory to purchase an American Made car to qualify for the rebate???????

Another go green sugguestion also seems on the ridiculous side to me.
We have been encouraged to stop using those plastic bags at the grocery store.
Did anyone besides my husband notice that those plastic bags are made in the USA and the ones they offer for sale for for free in their place are made in CHINA????
I say keep using the plastic, there is no law against using the same ones over and over until they are useless. In the meantime, lets stop supporting other country's people and keep employing our own while encouraging them to go green and make resuable bags here in the USA.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Time I promise

So, my house is as clean as I care to make it. Floors washed, furniture dusted. I can't stand being at home. But the job hunt is pointless unless I want to be a driver, a salesperson or a computer tech. I am qualified for none of them.

Todays "news" includes a report on the woman (can I say that) who called 911 to report the possible break in in Cambridge. It's all about her having to deny that she actually mentioned race when she reported the alleged break in. So I've come up with the politically correct way to report a crime in progress:

911 Call
Hello this is a human being calling in a possible crime. No, I cant tell you my name as it may lead you to my gender identification and I am pretty sure that would be considered biased. (Be sure to disguise your voice)

I would like to report a possible break in at (address).
No I cant identify the suspects but there are two beings kicking in the front door.
Or perhaps they are not kicking it in, perhaps they are writing some percussion for a new song. But I must say, the door seems to be caving.
What kind of beings you say? Well, I dont want to say as it may be considered species bias. Male or female? Cant say, again, gender bias.

But if you would send a few police beings to investigate perhaps they can canvas the entire human race to see if the suspects can be identified.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why is it?????

So I'm reading the paper this morining and there is yet another article on the President, the Policeman and the Harvard professor. Why is it that policemen can be identified as white, black, hispanic or whatever and suspects can't?
I'm getting a little tired of the hypocracy. Actually I am a lot tired of the "politically correct" bs that this country seems to thrive on.

The news media looks to sensationalize every item. Every storm is the storm of the century. Every time a celebraty farts it's front page news. What is wrong with us? We watch it, we read it, we condone it. Reality shows? OMG who cares? Don't we have our own lives to live?

I say stop it!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's Next?

So, I get fired the day I am leaving for vacation. It's not the end of the world, but it sure stinks, especially in this economy and at my age. (50ish- as you might have guessed)

I'm thinking what do I want to be when I grow up and to date (2 weeks and counting) nothing has come to me.

But this blog could perhaps make me a millionaire or not.

So I'm thinking that a daily report on what's on my mind and what I might be up to might help me solidify some ideas.

It's July, looking for a job is oh so boring and oh so frustrating. I would much rather be on the beach, but fiscal reality demands I look for a new job. I am too young to retire and too old to land a job easily. Not to mention the fact that financially, I am no where near prepared to stop working. My investments like everyone elses are currently in the crapper.

The great state of NJ is currentlymy only source of income- not to mention the extra $25 the Federal Govt chips in. Needless to say, I need to downsize my spending.